NB-800L PCB cache conveyor machine

NB-800L PCB cache conveyor machine

Code: N/A

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  1. This PCB cache conveyor machine is behind AOI or SPI in SMT production line. It will lift up NG plates, save NG PCB on rack and pass OK PCB.
  2. Panasonic PLC micro computer control which is stable and reliable.
  3. Button control panel which is easy to operate. (You can also choose touch screen control)
  4. Acoustic-optic alarm system
  5. Customizable left to right or right to left
  6. Automatic pass OK plates, lift up and save NG plates.
  7. Standard SMEMA

Delivery time 2 weeks

Hotline: +84 769 116 968 sales@smt-vn.com

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